Toddler Pedal Bikes
While some 2 year olds can fit on a 12 bike we have found that pedal bikes are usually too heavy for them to properly handle and a lightweight balance bike is better suited for their size.
Toddler pedal bikes. Here is a list of our top picks for kids bike pedals. The other brake system is a pedal brake for the rear wheel. Most toddler bikes include a handbrake but your child may not be able to use it properly before turning four. To determine if the bike is the right size.
Balance bikes are our favorite kind of bikes for toddlers because they provide kids with the tools they will need to be successful on a pedal bike later. But whatever your budget and whatever style of riding your child is doing you should be able to find a good option here. Bamny baby balance bike toddler bicycle for 12 36 monthsno pedal infant 4 wheels toys lightweight and sturdy safe riding first birthday gift bike for little boy girl 47 out of 5 stars 14 4099 40. It requires some developmental skills young children may not have mastered yet.
If the bike is too big your child wont be able to reach the pedals so take her to pick out the bike when you purchase it. Because your child is a toddler she should have a toddler sized bike. Choose the right size of bike. Youll notice these arent all kid specific pedals cause there just arent that many good ones on the market.